Staging Stories

Homes From
Empty to Staged

This home sat on the market empty UNTIL we staged it with beautiful design choices. It sold in 2 months.

The right art direction makes or breaks a photo.

Excellent decor increases a property's perceived value to buyer's above competitive homes.

A big room can intimidate buyers to know HOW to make it functional. We kept it clean and welcoming.

A designer's choices make all the difference into making a space extraordinary.

We made this room look dynamic not blocking it's view with bulky furniture.

This home required a formal look but to keep it open and airy so buyers see more real estate.

We pick decor colors that work with each room and not force the same staging like other companies do.

This home sat UN-sold as it's on line presence was dark and not engaging to buyers.

Once staged and better photographed they got a buyer on line from Canada! Our dramatic LR and coastal BR now gives the home a personality!

Color makes a room pop especially when homes are viewed on a phone!

Staging a home involves custom solutions to maximize a space.

Strategic decor choices make for delicious looking kitchen!

The details matter in making a space truly professional.

Let us make the ordinary
for you!